Title: Hanging in the Air Fandom: Hannibal/Sherlock Pairing: Will Graham/Sherlock Holmes Theme: Silence Rating: PG-13 Words: 453 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Will/Sherlock series.
Title: A Lasting Victory Fandom: Hannibal/Sherlock Pairing: Will Graham/Sherlock Holmes Theme: Victory Rating: PG-13 Words: 471 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Will/Sherlock series.
Title: Swift Recovery Fandom: Hannibal/Sherlock Pairing: Will Graham/Sherlock Holmes Theme: Recovery Rating: PG-13 Words: 442 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Will/Sherlock series.
Title: Answer To A Prayer Fandom: Hannibal/Sherlock Pairing: Will Graham/Sherlock Holmes Theme: Prayer Rating: PG-13 Words: 485 Warnings: None. Notes: Part of an ongoing Will/Sherlock series.
Title: Autopsy Fandom: Sherlock Pairing: Sherlock/Molly Rating: PG Theme: Memory Words: 339 Summary: During her first autopsy, a strange man in a long dark jacket walks into the Morgue Warnings: None.